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ROS2 Demo

The ROS2 Demo demonstrates the functionality of the Face Detector library as a ROS2 package. It uses videoframes from your computer's webcam and tries to detect a face, get the Region of Interest as well as key landmarks.

Building and compiling

Build the package with more verbose output

colcon build --event-handlers console_direct+ --packages-select face_detector

Note that, whenever build errors occur, and you need to clean the build, use

rm -rf build install log
-rf ~/.ros

Run the demo

Before you can use any of the installed executables or libraries, you will need to add them to your path and library paths. colcon will have generated bash/bat files in the install directory to help set up the environment. These files will add all of the required elements to your path and library paths as well as provide any bash or shell commands exported by packages.

source install/setup.bash

With the environment sourced, we can run executables built by colcon. Let’s run the camera node from the examples:

ros2 run face_detector camera_node

In another terminal, let’s run the face detector node (don’t forget to source the setup script):

ros2 run face_detector face_detector_node

In yet another terminal, let’s run the viewer node:

ros2 run face_detector face_detector_viewer

Now, you should see the camera stream, with annotations produced by the face detector.